April 24, 2010

Happy 20th Hubble!

Today is the Hubble Space Telescope's 20th anniversary in orbit. The Hubble Space Telescope has over its lifetime provided many discoveries and produced thousands of awe-inspiring images of deep space, and our local neighborhood in space. To celebrate, NASA has released a new image. The image is a small portion of the Carina Nebula, a large star-birth region in the Milky Way Galaxy, and depicts a pillar of gas and dust (3 light years tall!) rising among jets of gas.
Image: NASA
I'm also celebrating by including some of my favorite images from the Hubble below the fold.

April 22, 2010

Stunning Slow Motion Video of Apollo 11 Launch

Image: Mark Gray, Spacecraft Films
Footage of the Apollo 11 Saturn V launch taken from the launch tower, as Mark Gray provides a very descriptive and informative narration.

I really like how the material is sucked below beneath the engines, and the endless flow of water! The whole video is absolutely stunning. The video is embedded below the fold.

April 20, 2010

Senior Project

A picture of the Wishing Star Observatory, where I worked, that I took.
As my Senior Project is coming to a close, I'd like to direct you to two places where you can learn more about my project. The first is a page I've set up on this blog, which has details about my project in a readable format. The other is a section on my personal website, which has more details about my project plus some of the data I have been able to collect with my mentor. Please keep in mind that both places are not completely finished, just as my project itself isn't. As I am getting more time I am compiling everything, and I will add more information to both places in the coming days.